Dear Life Pass Holders,
Please find attached my bio and nomination for the creditors committee. I hope to get on the committee alongside Sam Clarkson to represent our group.
Our Alternative Report and capital raising survey's shows that the Life Pass Holders are the future Equity partners and Asset generators NOT Liabilities. Studies by RAL show cost of Life Pass financing is a low 3% to 5%.
How many skiers have Life Passholders introduced to our sport? My Uncles one Life Pass introduced 10 new skiers to the sport! If it was not for you Life Passholders raising $45m in capital since 2000, the infrastructure on Whakapapa and Turoa would not be here today. Yes there are liquidity issues, however these were identified in our alternative report with risk mitigation strategies that were not acted on. Our resolution to raise internal share capital for the company at the 28th May 2022 ASM was knocked back by the Chairman's proxies and controlling shareholder the RAL Trust.
We see a real opportunity to work closely with the PwC administrators and Creditors. However, we need your support to make it to the creditors committee.
Many thanks for your support.